How Many Hours Per Year Do You Spend in Traffic Jams? in Tucson, AZ

How Many Hours Per Year Do You Spend in Traffic Jams?

Khelil Abida's Blog | How Many Hours Per Year Do You Spend in Traffic Jams?

Every morning you may get up with the intent of moving fast, you shower fast, dress fast, and even eat breakfast way too fast, with the hopes of arriving to work early or at least on time. You have found that rushing the kids off to school has become a daily ritual. Once in your vehicle, your eyes have a battle between being fixated on the road and on the time because to you, every second counts. You know how long it typically takes to get to work and you aim to get there before everyone else does.

All of a sudden, a huge hurdle comes your way, which interferes with your morning driving routine — yes, that’s right, it’s the dreaded traffic jam.

Your immediate reactions are to become frustrated, annoyed, and you can even go as far as being in denial. You find yourself looking around your vehicle from the driver seat, making sure to check all car mirrors, to see if there is an escape route you somehow missed. Finally, denying your circumstance subsides and you accept the fact that you’re not going anywhere. Even though the frustration still resides because you feel like all of your rushing around efforts were for not. you turn the radio up and wait.

As you take yet another look at the time, you realize you are going to be late for work. This significantly affects your mood and you feel like time is moving super slow. However, you are not alone. That’s right, many Americans feel the same way you do when they too find themselves stuck in traffic jams.

Keep this in mind the next time you feel frustrated due to a traffic jam — that on average, all of us are stuck in our cars due to these jams for 38 hours per year.

You should at least enjoy the interior of your car if you’re going to be stuck in it for that long! Come see me today and let me show you some amazing interiors!!!

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